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2’s Day - 2/22/22

Celebrate giving "TWOSday" - 2/22/22

Whether you call it 2’s Day or TWOSday - 2/22/22 - February 22, 2022, which also happens to be a Tuesday, is such an anomaly it has captured our attention.

At Letters of Hope Ministries we propose to honor this oddity with a day of GOOD. We celebrate Pi Day with pie; why not celebrate 2’s Day with a $22 gift? Here is how your $22 blesses women in prison @ NCCW in York, NE. DONATE

A book of stamps will enable us to: Send 22 Welcome letters to women entering NCCW.

Purchase 22 Mother's Day cards for mothers in prison.

Purchase 22 Birthday Day cards for women @ NCCW.

THANK YOU for joining us in reminding these women that though friends & family sometimes forgets them - GOD never does!!